People, Place, & Purpose
People, Place, & Purpose
Dirt & Tears: Natasha Buffo
Natasha Buffo is a native Californian, now residing in South Lake Tahoe, and a new puppy Mom to Poppy, a yellow lab mix. Her education was focused on sociology and mathematical sciences, but as an outdoor adventurer with a love for writing and a passion for mental health, she now spends her days as a freelance writer and instructor for Mental Health First Aid. Natasha’s story is truly one of seeking and following your truth.
Where you can find Dirt & Tears:
- Website: http://dirtandtears.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dirtandtears/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dirtandtears/
Mentions from the show:
- The John Muir Trail: https://www.pcta.org/discover-the-trail/john-muir-trail/
- Toastmasters: https://www.toastmasters.org/
- Kirkwood Mountain Resort: https://www.kirkwood.com/
- Mental Health First Aid: https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/
- Postholing: https://www.rei.com/blog/snowsports/semi-rad-the-joy-of-postholing
- GearJunkie: https://gearjunkie.com/
- Coalition Snow: https://www.coalitionsnow.com/
- Adventure Journal: https://www.adventure-journal.com/
- Banff Centre Mountain Film and Book Festival: https://www.banffcentre.ca/banffmountainfestival
- Cycle Touring: https://www.myfiveacres.com/cycle-touring/
- Heavenly Mountain Resort: https://www.skiheavenly.com/
Stay in touch with People, Place, & Purpose on Instagram and stay tuned for a new episode every Monday!